- 50 Shades Of Grey (1)
- BDSM (1)
- Cane (2)
- Moan (1)
- Over The Knee (3)
- Self Mentoring (7)
- Spanking (5)
- Spanking Art (5)
- Spanking Blog (2)
- Spanking Equipment (1)
- Spanking Position (5)
- Spanking Quotes (3)
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- subbie me (13)
Friday, 5 June 2015
sub's anonymous, spanking blog. : Ask Me A Question...Spanking or BDSM Related...
sub's anonymous, spanking blog. : Ask Me A Question...Spanking or BDSM Related...: ...a question, I will give you an honest answer... You may not like the answer I give though, lol...
sub's anonymous, spanking blog. : Dom/Ideal Spanker Hunting-First I Have To Hack My ...
sub's anonymous, spanking blog. : Dom/Ideal Spanker Hunting-First I Have To Hack My ...: Meanwhile in my private blog; not sooo private thoughts now...{btw John is my husband. Druggy whore is a bint he made friends with in the sc...
Tuesday, 2 June 2015
sub's anonymous, spanking blog. : "You Can Cry All You Want, Little Girl, But You're...

Monday, 1 June 2015
sub's anonymous, spanking blog. : Part III Of My Fetish List..."A Good Spanking Beca...

"Grey" Told By Christian Grey...

Enjoy! #FSoG #GREY
I'm definitely buying that book. I enjoyed reading the 50 shades of grey trilogy. Now I'm waiting for the movie to come out on box office, so I can watch it, I didn't fancy watching it at the cinema...
I know. LOTS! of kinky peeps into BDSM, spanking etc, detest the book. FKY! Its only a story. You know 'Fiction'. Calm down it is not about your life. Also it is aimed at the vanilla audience, not the kinky, BDSM, spanko folk. Portraying the scene to a vanilla audience would probably freak them out, lol...
sub's anonymous, spanking blog. : A Submissive After My Own Heart-No We're Not Talki...

Yeess! I have got a bloomer thing going on... I prefer bloomers to lingerie... I was just browsing through Fetlife. I came across a...
Sunday, 31 May 2015
I Was Just Reading This Journal Entry In Fetlife...
Yo, where my Doms at? (Keeping it real one day at a time)
Journal Entry
Innermind's Writing 39M Dom (Atlanta, Georgia)
The funniest thing about this whole purist discussion on Dominance and submission is that in reality, in the world of kink, there's very few people interested in being a true anything, they are the minority, yet we sometimes make it seem so important. The majority of folks are just kinksters looking to do kinky shit. As long as you're representing yourself honestly and pursuing experiences or relationships that you want to be a part of, nothing is more real than that.
I've gone to munches, events and conventions and what I run across is a wide variety of people looking for different kinks and different types of relationships. Are their Doms and Submissives to be found, most certainly, but even under the umbrella of those words, there's a huge spectrum of people and what exactly they're looking for is as different as their height and weight are to each other. I'm all about being inclusive, I wouldn't want to be part of a kink community that was exclusive.
In my travels and experiences, I've met and seen only a small amount of experienced Male Doms. The majority of the males I've met, are either kinky Sadist who don't give a shit about power exchange relationships, rope tops or just dudes looking for some kinky sex. The gentleman wanting and experienced in power exchange relationships are pretty limited.
Even on fet, a whole bunch of people are not Dominants. And out of the ones who claim the title, only a portion of them have actually owned a submissive at some point and have working knowledge of the dynamic.
The ones on here that have experience are as varied and diverse as any other group of people. You have Daddy Doms, Leather Doms, Sensual Sadistic Doms, Emotional Badass Doms (I made that one up), bedroom only Doms and strict, don't fuck with me Doms.
So for a small group of people who are already broken down into sub genres where there's a lot of crossover, I don't see why anyone is interested in having a debate on what's true or real. We can talk fundamentals, theories, ideas and have an open discussion to expose templates and baselines that have long been around, but why try to limit anyone to a certain way of doing things when that might not speak to their style or personality and preferences, is beyond me. In reality, people are going to continue creating and having personal, powerful relationships that are tailored to their and their partners specific needs no matter what anyone else says, that's real, that's the truth.
I know I'll never give a shit if someone thinks I'm a real Dom (whatever the fuck that means). As long as I'm happy and my submissive is good, that's the only real I'll ever care about and it doesn't get any more real than that.
sub's anonymous, spanking blog. : More From My Fetlife Fetish List "A Good Old Fashi...

Saturday, 30 May 2015
sub's anonymous, spanking blog. : If The Spanking Scene Was Just A Lot Of Thumbnail ...
sub's anonymous, spanking blog. : If The Spanking Scene Was Just A Lot Of Thumbnail ...: A few spanking pictures to get me in the mood. I suppose yesterday, you could say, is kinda like a 'come back'. Starting out on my...
Friday, 29 May 2015
sub's anonymous, spanking blog. : You Love Spanking Curvaceous Women...'Check!' You ...
sub's anonymous, spanking blog. : You Love Spanking Curvaceous Women...'Check!' You ...: I Love being caned in that position... I can almost feel the cutting sting, slicing across my bare bottom... The feeling of being expose...
Thursday, 28 May 2015
Saturday, 31 January 2015
50 Shades Of Grey-Review-The Red Room Of Pain!
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50 shades of grey "The red room" |
" For those of you who don’t know, Fifty Shades of Grey is supposed to be based on the main characters of Twilight if they had crazy S&M sex. "
Bitch Fest Post-The Negative Side Of The Lovely Like Minded 'Spanking' Scene-

F is basically a unreliable control freak. Who assumes negative shit! about me. I am cursed, lol...Sooo! I might as well do something about it. Give up on the idea that I am going to lose weight & meet my ideal Dom {Who does not exist} If he does exist I will have to join the que. Good Dom's, who are not arrogant, tight, user, tossers; are very desirable...A bit like black Friday with only one tele in the sale 75% off...
Women want a LOT! more, but it is almost an impossible dream. Mind you. The likes of B, M F, etc etc etc, are none too attractive. Sooo! They form a 'ugly bint' clique & support each other. As S said. Women want attention from other women. He is right, but only because they are all of a kind. Fat, ugly, insecure, screwed up, suffering from some illness or other, usually fibro. It is more of a fattie, fibro clique, lol...{Ohh! Yesss! I went there. I was diagnosed with lupus 22 yrs ago, so yes I can go there}
Sooo! Steer clear of getting noticed. Don't log into Bs. Or FL. Or Ouch. Don't blog publicly about them. {Oops! I did} Just use them to have a good ole blog bitch fest...Its like L. Mz L. The druggy with narcissistic tendencies. B the screwed up emotionally retarded 'Bully!'. M F sooo! desperate for attention, acceptance & approval. Emo M. Who thought she had found her knight in shining armor, but he brought his princess with him to the ball...
Yep! I went there. Yes I agree there is no need for it. If I made lots of lovely, like minded, kissing, hugging, kissing arse, fake, smarmy, two faced, gossiping, back stabbing...effort. I might fit in...NOT!
The thing is. I don't give a flying fanny fart about fitting in with the bitch clique. I am just looking for a decent Dom with a mind of his own, who is not looking to be part of the scene, so he has access to LOTS! of free arse...Who is jealous, clingy bitch freeee!
Nuff said for now...
Wednesday, 28 January 2015
Are fem subs who are looking for a Daddy Dom. Looking for the attention they had when they was growing up. Or missed when they was growing up??? Or they could just be into Daddy, daughter age play. What do I know, lol...
Gawd! I had a bad night. Well a night of watching Dexter. Strange how you end up loving Dexter, even though he is a murderer. Though. He does only kill bad people...
I know. What has Dexter got to do with spanking...Mind you. On an episode I watched last night. Or was it this morning...Anyway. Dexters policewoman sister has fallen for the 'mature' FBI agent, who has been called in to catch Dexter...
It's complicated...To cut a long story short. The 'mature' FBI agent says to Debbera {Dexters sister}...With the age difference, you're not to old to spank {Or words to that effect}. Then he smacked her on the bottom...
Personally. I think she should be given a long hard, bare bottom spanking over his knee...I know. Its fiction...but...She is so obviously insecure. So obviously needs a Daddy figure in her life. Because growing up. Dexter got all the attention from their father...Its a long story. If you watch Dexter you will know what I am waffling on about...
It got me thinking {No it does not hurt}
Spanking is supposed to be fun...& sexual, sensual, erotic, a release, total relaxation. It is supposed to leave you feeling good; not bad. So. I think it is important to steer clear of emotionally screwed up people, who in the long run do you more bad then good; give you more stress, hassle, grief then pleasure...
Sooo! I'm looking for a Daddy, daughter relationship. Maybe when I was in my twenties. If I had got into spanking in my twenties. I know I would have loved to be spanked at that age...but I waited until I was in my 30's. Now I am in my 40's. No way could I pretend to be a little girl, role play or not. It is too close to home for me...having 3 daughters...
Ohh! Yeah! To the arrogant, rude, control freak, abuser. Who decided to bully me. JUST because I asked to meet face to face for a coffee & a chat. In a neutral place...Rather then be cyber Dommed. Wasting my time...Apparently I should stay at home & take care of my daughters & husband...Unbelievable!
So why do certain people feel they can get away with bullying other people, from the safety of their own home. Hidden behind their screen. Anonymous! I suppose you would have to be a emotionally retarded, insecure, arsehole with women issues...Those type of people I try to avoid. Too much unnecessary, unprovoked, hassle. Yet there they are. So here we are sifting through the s**t to find a decent 'safe,sane' Dom...
I know. What has Dexter got to do with spanking...Mind you. On an episode I watched last night. Or was it this morning...Anyway. Dexters policewoman sister has fallen for the 'mature' FBI agent, who has been called in to catch Dexter...
It's complicated...To cut a long story short. The 'mature' FBI agent says to Debbera {Dexters sister}...With the age difference, you're not to old to spank {Or words to that effect}. Then he smacked her on the bottom...
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Love being spanked in that position, but nooo teddies on my bed... |
It got me thinking {No it does not hurt}
"Are fem subs who are looking for a Daddy Dom. Looking for the attention they had when they was growing up. Or missed when they was growing up??? Or they could just be into Daddy, daughter ageplay. What do I know, lol..."Ohh! Yes! The reason why I think she should be given, a long hard bare bottom spanking, over his knee. Because she is sooo! insecure. The painful, humiliating spanking would be a release. The release you get from a long, intense spanking session, is "Wooo!" I would recommend it as therapy...
Spanking is supposed to be fun...& sexual, sensual, erotic, a release, total relaxation. It is supposed to leave you feeling good; not bad. So. I think it is important to steer clear of emotionally screwed up people, who in the long run do you more bad then good; give you more stress, hassle, grief then pleasure...
Sooo! I'm looking for a Daddy, daughter relationship. Maybe when I was in my twenties. If I had got into spanking in my twenties. I know I would have loved to be spanked at that age...but I waited until I was in my 30's. Now I am in my 40's. No way could I pretend to be a little girl, role play or not. It is too close to home for me...having 3 daughters...
So why do certain people feel they can get away with bullying other people, from the safety of their own home. Hidden behind their screen. Anonymous! I suppose you would have to be a emotionally retarded, insecure, arsehole with women issues...Those type of people I try to avoid. Too much unnecessary, unprovoked, hassle. Yet there they are. So here we are sifting through the s**t to find a decent 'safe,sane' Dom...
Tuesday, 27 January 2015
Keep Calm & Bend Over My Knee For A Spanking...
Nooo! I don't need to get my subbie thoughts into perspective...Sheesh!
Anyway. I was reading the blog "The taming of a shrew"...Her blog post "ABCDEFG...This is what it means to me." She was writing about dynamics & labels. Like DD {Domestic discipline} s/M, etc...
"I was kneeling before him and he pulled me close. “You're not my slave,” he said. “Yes, you're mine. You belong to me. But I also belong to you.”
Belonging to each other...yes. I liked that. He went on to explain that to him, our dynamic is about mutual self-giving. He focuses his efforts on meeting my needs, and I focus my efforts on meeting his. And as I came to learn more about different dynamics, I started to gain a greater appreciation for what they are."

I don't think I would want a so called DD relationship. From what I gather the 'Domestic' life far outweighs the 'Discipline' part. Play for a few hours every other week, then going back to my 'Domestic' life is more what I am looking for in a D/s relationship...
The same as total obedience & servitude...Not my idea of a D/s relationship. I am married. If anyone is going to tell me what to do & expect obedience. It will be my husband. The same as the arrogant attitude "How can my husband allow another man to spank me"...Ummm! My marriage is no one elses business...I have had a few blokes start asking about my husband. How I see it. My marriage & my husbands opinion. Is none of their business. I did have one nob get quite nasty, but I dare say he would have found some other reason to be a Jerk...

So. I am looking for a Dom who does not feel the need to tell me about his other women...but...If he has already got a sub & I am just a fresh new exciting 'flavor of the month' bottom/ playmate, whilst she is the one...Do me a favour...Don't waste my time...Don't insult my intelligence by lying to me...
Nuff said for now..........................................
50 Shades Of Grey-Looking For My Mister Grey-Preferably Not 50 Shades Of F**ked Up-For Lots Of Kinky 'Spanking!'...
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"Mmmm!" I do love a twitching palm, it makes me tingle with anticipation... |
Not that I'm expecting much kinky fuckery. The books only had 3 {or was it 2} spankings in the trilogy, but there was lots of sex. I enjoyed reading the books. I thought they was well written...
It was quite amusing seeing how wound up some of the so called real kinky peeps got...Jeeze! Calm down. It is only a book. These people do seem to get easily wound up. Or was it envy. Probably envy...

I can see it from the vanilla persons point of view. You either love it or you think OMFG! these people are crazy. Okay. Maybe not crazy. Just plain ole 'weird freaks' lol...
To the vanilla person. The true vanilla person. Spanking, power exchange, punishing someone for their misdeeds, controlling someone, training someone. Is 'Abusive!' Of course it is. There is a very fine line between being kinky fuckery & some control freak screwing with your mind. This is why I don't do 'Serious!' 'Angry face!' Doms...Jeeze! Mate! It is supposed to be fun...
I'm trying to remember this. Men are not complicated. They are 'Literal creatures' Unless you happen to be my EX Dom {Not my EX ex Dom} He {The EX Dom} was more like a old woman with narcissistic tendencies...
Mind you. When the uncomplicated 'literal creature' is making your life complicated, by literally rubbing other women in your face, then getting off on your reaction. Or the reaction he was hoping for. As in 'Jealousy!'...Lets just say it is not worth the hassle...I am looking for a close friendship, with lots of regular 'intense' 'Mmmm!' spankings...
As a sub I am a 'literal creature' I want a uncomplicated. D/s relationship. I don't give a flying ^&^% that you want to play with LOTS! of other women. I just don't want to see them, hear about them, or put up with the grief they give me when they get jealous; because you give them the impression that you want them...Jeeze! Mate! I just want your friendship, lots of regular play, some input & noooo! crap from your bitches...Oops! I mean friends...Which is actually quite 'Uncomplicated!'...

I do want a Dom {My Dom} I don't want to be the other 'just a play mate' sub, to some other subs Dom. Mind you. I say I am a sub, but many would describe me as a spankee. Just a mere spankee. I think BDSM! sm peeps gave us subs into spanking that label...I am so much more then just a spankee. In play I am submissive {No you can't force your cheesy cock down my throat. I will bite you!}
{Smiles sweetly}
Sooo! Do I want my Christian Grey?...
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"You are mine" Only as your sub... Hopefully my new Dom will be married... |
The saying 'It just happened!'...Ummm! Nooo! If that happens you let it happen. Deep down you wanted it to happen. Maybe you need the attention...Anyway. As I was saying. I just want a Dom who sees me as 'His sub' His priority above all the other 'playmates'. I just want a Dom with some $%^%$% stamina & I don't mean keeping it up...
I mean...I just want a Dom who appreciates what we have got & does not start taking it for granted. I just want a Dom who will not keep me dangling whilst he pursues flavor of the month. If you want to move on to pastures new, please finish our D/s relationship first. I have no problem with you moving on. Just end our D/s relationship first. Don't keep me as back up when flavour of the month goes sour or loses its flavor...
Nuff said for now....................................................
Monday, 26 January 2015
I have lots of fond memories of being caned whilst bent over the back of the settee. Just the right position for Sir to cane my sit spot "Oowww!"
I was just listening to a youtube video clip about how our thoughts affect the energy around us. Positive energy has a higher vibration then negative energy...
So. I am going to fill my spanking blog with spanking pictures which make me tingle. As in pictures which make me feel "Mmmm!" I want to be spanked like that. I wish that was me in that position...
Mind you. My arms tied like that, bent behind my back..."Ouch!" I might well be thinking more about the pain in my arms then in my bottom...Good arm stretch though, for toning your arms...
I was just remembering being spanked in that position, but I was not restrained. It is quite a comfy position. If you have a cushion under your knees of course. I don't mind my bottom burning, but nooo carpet burns please...
If you was tied up like that; you could literally not move. Not wriggle away from the painful stinging spanks..."Mmmm!" I think that would be quite...Ummm! 'Intense!' I suppose. I imagine you could take even more pain then usual, because your mind would be focused on how restrained you are. I think I would like to try that spanking position. Of course I would have to trust the Dom I am playing with...
This picture brings back many fond memories & makes me want a good leathering, whilst bent over the arm of the settee...{Sighs}
I tried to go back to my lady Karen, promiscuous ward of Sir Stephen; fantasy melodrama, last night...but I fell asleep. I'll try again tonight...
You never know. Maybe the high frequency vibrations will reach my ideal Dom. Who is also highly charged with erotic kinky energy, lol...
My ideal Dom will be on the same frequency as me, but he will get his pleasure from giving me a very 'Mmmm!' pleasurable, 'intense!' thrashing. One of the many pleasures I got from playing with my Ex ex Dom. I could feel how much he was enjoying spanking me...No. Not that...Sheesh!
Though. That can be quite nice...Just not with a near stranger who is just after free sex. I am not looking for a bloke to have sex with. I am into being spanked, not sex. If I want sex I will go to a sex club with my husband...
Actually I have been to a sex/swinging party with my husband, but it was sooo! boring...{Yawns!} Mind you the hosts had no idea about setting the mood. Bright lights & no music does not set the mood for dirty sex with a complete stranger...Mind you I am not into dirty sex...Definitely not into creepy, pervy, leering old men {Shudders!}...
A couple at this party were into dogging. They was telling us all about it. I was thinking 'Eeeewww!' Do I really want to get intimate with you. I don't know what I might catch...
I love this picture, but I don't like corner time. I am not into corner time. I avoid bossy Doms who think it is their Domly right to force me into absolute obedience in the corner...WTF!... %^&^ off! & find a woman into standing or kneeling in corners...
Also. I avoid arrogant Dom's who believe it is their Dom given right to punish me & dictate how I behave. You don't like women who swear? Don't give me cause to swear at you then...Hmmm!
{Smiles sweetly & flutters eyelashes}
I need longer legs to get into that position. Or a chair with a lower back of course...I have lots of fond memories of being caned whilst bent over the back of the settee. Just the right position for Sir to cane my sit spot "Oowww!" I used to end up kicking both legs up at the same time...I do miss being given long, almost unbearable thrashings, where I end up floating off into subbie land...
Actually I don't think I could take that much of a caning now days. I will have to build up. A bit like with exercise, lol...
So. I am going to fill my spanking blog with spanking pictures which make me tingle. As in pictures which make me feel "Mmmm!" I want to be spanked like that. I wish that was me in that position...
Mind you. My arms tied like that, bent behind my back..."Ouch!" I might well be thinking more about the pain in my arms then in my bottom...Good arm stretch though, for toning your arms...
I was just remembering being spanked in that position, but I was not restrained. It is quite a comfy position. If you have a cushion under your knees of course. I don't mind my bottom burning, but nooo carpet burns please...
If you was tied up like that; you could literally not move. Not wriggle away from the painful stinging spanks..."Mmmm!" I think that would be quite...Ummm! 'Intense!' I suppose. I imagine you could take even more pain then usual, because your mind would be focused on how restrained you are. I think I would like to try that spanking position. Of course I would have to trust the Dom I am playing with...

I tried to go back to my lady Karen, promiscuous ward of Sir Stephen; fantasy melodrama, last night...but I fell asleep. I'll try again tonight...
You never know. Maybe the high frequency vibrations will reach my ideal Dom. Who is also highly charged with erotic kinky energy, lol...
My ideal Dom will be on the same frequency as me, but he will get his pleasure from giving me a very 'Mmmm!' pleasurable, 'intense!' thrashing. One of the many pleasures I got from playing with my Ex ex Dom. I could feel how much he was enjoying spanking me...No. Not that...Sheesh!
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I feel my last D/s relationship broke down through lack of effort... |
Actually I have been to a sex/swinging party with my husband, but it was sooo! boring...{Yawns!} Mind you the hosts had no idea about setting the mood. Bright lights & no music does not set the mood for dirty sex with a complete stranger...Mind you I am not into dirty sex...Definitely not into creepy, pervy, leering old men {Shudders!}...

I love this picture, but I don't like corner time. I am not into corner time. I avoid bossy Doms who think it is their Domly right to force me into absolute obedience in the corner...WTF!... %^&^ off! & find a woman into standing or kneeling in corners...
Also. I avoid arrogant Dom's who believe it is their Dom given right to punish me & dictate how I behave. You don't like women who swear? Don't give me cause to swear at you then...Hmmm!
{Smiles sweetly & flutters eyelashes}
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I need longer legs to get into that position. Or a chair with a lower back of course...I have lots of fond memories of being caned whilst bent over the back of the settee. Just the right position for Sir to cane my sit spot "Oowww!" I used to end up kicking both legs up at the same time...I do miss being given long, almost unbearable thrashings, where I end up floating off into subbie land...
Actually I don't think I could take that much of a caning now days. I will have to build up. A bit like with exercise, lol...
Spanking Art Of Paula Meadows , Patty,and Sarah Swain
Sunday, 25 January 2015
There Are Devilish Thought Even In The Most Angelic Minds...
Looking at spanking pictures got me so turned on, I needed to take a bath for some private 'alone' time. All I need now is to keep myself motivated towards my goal of slimming into my bloomers...
I have a bloomer thing going on, lol...I think I was born in the wrong era, but then again; imagine NO! internet 'Gasp!'...Also. All that being a subservient 'lady' I can be a lady, but not sure about the subservient part. I would spend sooo much time over my Masters knee...'Mmmm!'...
I used to help myself full asleep, by fantasising about my own spanking melodrama...I was lady Karen. Sir Stephens {My Ex ex Dom} promiscuous ward...It did used to help me sleep...A virtual spanking & a orgasm, what more do you need, lol...Other then the real spanking {Sighs}
Oo! Interesting position. In my fantasy there would not be lots of people standing around watching. It would not be a soldier. It would be my guardian 'Sir Stephen' In a field, bent over a water trough. Surrounded by woodland. Our horses grazing on the lush meadow grass...
I have a bloomer thing going on, lol...I think I was born in the wrong era, but then again; imagine NO! internet 'Gasp!'...Also. All that being a subservient 'lady' I can be a lady, but not sure about the subservient part. I would spend sooo much time over my Masters knee...'Mmmm!'...
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I used to help myself full asleep, by fantasising about my own spanking melodrama...I was lady Karen. Sir Stephens {My Ex ex Dom} promiscuous ward...It did used to help me sleep...A virtual spanking & a orgasm, what more do you need, lol...Other then the real spanking {Sighs}
I believe in the power of our own mind. I believe in visualisation. I don't believe in airy, fairy, magic, but I do believe we are capable of manifesting what we most want through our own thoughts. When I was fantasising about being lady Karen, being spanked by Sir Stephen. I was getting exactly what I fantasised about. As soon as I stopped fantasising I stopped getting the 'Mmmm!' spankings. Probably because when I was fantasising about it I was more open to receive it...

Imagine the cool breeze blowing across your stinging, burning welts...{Sighs}
I have been having trouble sleeping lately. Maybe I should go back to my fantasy melodrama. I used to fall asleep pretty quick & sleep quite well...I also was having a great time with my then Dom...
K will be here soon. For our usual red wine & a good old natter; evening...
We do miss going to spanking parties, but the way the parties used to be. I miss playing with lots of different men {Party spankings} Also. That feeling of playing with lots of different Doms. Then going over my Sirs knee for a spanking which always felt so much better, because we had that close connection which comes from playing one to one; comes from having a close D/s relationship. It is a pity that all changed...Ohh well. Life goes on. Maybe one day I will have that kind of D/s relationship & close connection with another Dom...
Gotta go...........................................
Social Pariah-In The Spanking Scene-Looking For Fellow Pariah 'Dom!'
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I have always been myself, though myself is quite quiet, aloof {Sometimes} reserved... To be honest. I can't do the fake, smarmy, hugging, kissing, & trying soooo! hard to fit in...Its just not me... |
It appears no one is brave enough to be seen posting in the secret spanking coven, because it would be 'social spanking scene suicide' to be seen consorting with the enemy. God forbid one of the sheep break away from the bleating flock & actually have a mind of their own 'Gasp!'...
A good friend is coming to see me on Feb 17th. I am contemplating if I should play or not, but when I think about it. I don't want to play. Which is 'frustrating' Why don't I want to play. I used to love being spanked. I used to be insatiable when it come to playing...
"Kids have just come in the door. I did not have to quickly click onto a new tab. My cosy corner is definitely much better for blogging about spanking. I can even look at 'Gasp!' spanking pictures & not get caught..."
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My favorite position to be in, of all times... |
The majority of men are switch. No offense to the switch men, but most of the time they are more sub then Dom. If I could find a 50/50 Dom that might be Dom enough, but the switch men are usually nearer 70/30. 30% Dom is not...Ummm! Dom enough for me....
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I have been canedmany times in that position Not sure if that is my fav position Ummm! Probably not... I prefer being caned bent over the arm or back of the sette... Mind you, that is a " Mmmm!" position especially if you can lay across the stool & feel supported... |
Nooo! I'm not a lesbian. Not that I have a problem with lesbians...I don't actually have any issues with any women. Just the bitches who give us woman a bad name. Ohh! & the tosser men, but I won't go into that right now. That is for another blog post...
I do try to see the good in people, but sometimes their bad traits outweigh the good. I suppose some of the bitchy attitude from some women comes from feelings of jealousy, insecurity, emotional issues. There are a LOT of women in the scene who seem to crave attention...As I have been saying for gawd knows how long "Real life still applies"...
Gawd! Looking at these spanking art pictures I feel really "Mmmm!" Spank me. I want a good, long, thorough, intense, almost unbearable 'Real' spanking, but...With the right Dom for me...{Sighs}
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"Mmmm!" I love being held secure in place, whilst being giving a almost unbearable spanking... |
I suppose you could say I am bullying them, by writing about them in my blog. They are welcome to put me right if they feel I am wrong...
I'm not looking for one of their enemies. I am more looking for "I don't get involved!". Its like the bullies bully some woman. The women talks to a friend about it. He then decides to go & start a controversial debate. Well. He wound up the culprits & they took the bait. Now the bullies believe that they know who this bloke is. In their usual up themselves arrogance. They are right. So they make assumptions. Even though they have no proof that this person they are accusing of being the one who dared to stir them up. Of course they are right...Hmmm! The word 'Arrogant' springs to mind. I really don't want to meet a Dom who is associated with those types of people...
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Love this pic... It somehow reminds me of my Ex ex Dom... Nuns & tartan skirts... Now I'm tingling... |
I could be all positive. All airy fairy 'Blessed be!' but...How boring is that. I believe in positive thinking. I am a positive person. Though some people assume quiet introverts are 'meek mild timid lil mice' Have they not heard the saying 'the quiet ones are the worse'. Quiet people can be happy, positive peeps too. Once we accept ourselves as being introverts & think 'Screw you!' to the ignorant peeps...
Gotta go..........................................
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