Sunday, 28 December 2014

Twos Company & An Amazing Spanking Session-Threes Well!

Three more days to go, to the end of 2014. Then a whole new year of possibilities...I can't wait...2014 will always be remembered as a sad year, because it is the year my Mum passed away, but then every year after that will be sad, because she will not be here with us...Mind you I still feel as if she has not gone, that she is just somewhere else, where I can't visit...

Untitled | TheyAllHateUsAnyway. 2014 is also the year I lost my subbie confidence as a sub & took a break. A long break...Not anymore. I am making a comeback a more confident "Screw you A holes!" sub...Nooo! I am not taking up anal sex or any other anal considered kinky, wossy..."Eeewww!"

Though..."Figging?" That is a lickle intriguing, but {No puns intended} messy! "Eeewww!" Butt plugs. Ummm! I think I would just be thinking the whole time "I am going to have an accident-I am going to have an accident-I am going to have an accident"

#Quote Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself As I was about to say, before I got distracted by the A holes...I have done a lot of soul searching & come to the conclusion that I am perfectly happy being 'meee' so what if certain people can't handle my uniqueness...{Only joking, I am not the princess type, lol}

I already have in my head what I am looking for. Or should I say 'who' I am looking for. If he will have me, of course. I can't just say 'Oy! You!' 'Yes you!' You are going to be my Dom. He might not like my unique subbiness...

Mind you. Aren't most Dom's just looking for a nice spankable bottom? A sub they can have a good natter with about spanking stuff? Nooo strings? No fees exchanged?...No? Okay! Maybe not. I could be wrong. I'm sure there are Doms out there looking for a 'special someone' sub, not necessarily asking to be his wife or live with him 24/7...I am happily married {No thanks to certain bitches & a particular A hole}. I would actually like to find a Dom who is also happily married & looking for a 'special someone' sub to play with on a regular basis. Strings attached, but in a D/s relationship way...Of course no fees exchanged, but I don't want to be used & abused as a freebie arse either...

.I do know at least one Dom who likes me as a friend. He is quite happy to chat & not play. Actually I know two Doms who see me that way, but I chose to 'Call it a day' with one of them, for various reasons. 

Do what makes your soul shine! ..*
Ignore the rude & the ignorant...
I suppose. Because I am a independent, individual subbie. I am looking for the same in my Dom. Someone who is quite happy not being popular in a group of many, who is quite satisfied with me. Where do you find a Dom like that? I don't mean I want total exclusive where he does not play with any other woman. I am talking about where when we are together playing WE are together playing...Avoid the groups of lovely like minded peeps, avoid the grief from jealous bints who happen to play with my Dom...Jeeze! women! Is there any need for it, FFS! Grow up!

I wonder how many Doms out there, are looking for a 'special someone' sub. Someone he has a close friendship with. His priority next to his wife & family. Someone who loves being spanked, as herself. Is not really into roleplay, but quite likes victorian night wear & underwear. Though don't particularly wants to see her in a school uniform, because she is a woman not a little school girl...

I could write more, but this self centred blog vent is over for now, I'm sure there will be more...

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